Collingwood-area landscaper generates huge ROI with website content marketing

Collingwood-area landscaper generates huge ROI with website content marketing

Marketing case studies, Marketing News, Marketing Notes, SEO Tips
It was 2013 before Mark Higginson decided to create a website for his successful landscape design and construction business. But within weeks of launching, the website had generated $200,000 in new business for the Meaford-based company – an impressive 4000% ROI. Here's how the right approach to website content marketing can generate high search engine ranking, attract qualified customers, and deliver sales. Mark grew up in the Southern Georgian…
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Content marketing/SEO brings Collingwood-Owen Sound area business 4000% ROI

Content marketing/SEO brings Collingwood-Owen Sound area business 4000% ROI

Marketing Notes
We knew the website was working well from the get-go, but until I interviewed my client this week to get some details, I hadn't realized just how well. Stay tuned for the full case study, which illustrates how content marketing (or as we affectionately call it, "info-marketing" - when will that term catch on?) really drives SEO and, more important, sales. We used articles and landing pages specific to various…
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Meaford International Film Festival kicks off new season with new responsive website design

Meaford International Film Festival kicks off new season with new responsive website design

Marketing case studies, Marketing News, Marketing Notes
Since 2007, Meaford, Ontario has had its own International Film Festival, affectionately known as MIFF, which treats festival goers to "four nights, four films, and four parties" every Labour Day weekend. This year, the festival features works from South Africa, Serbia, France, the U.S. and Italy, as well as homegrown shorts by young Grey-Bruce filmmakers. And as MIFF kicks off its seventh season, the festival has also launched a brand…
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Warning for website design clients of Catherine Anderson, NBV Studio, Thornbury

Marketing News, Marketing Notes
Business owners in the Owen Sound, Meaford, Thornbury, Beaver Valley, Blue Mountains and Collingwood area who had websites designed by a "local" website design firm during the last few years are now experiencing website design nightmares. Their websites have suddenly disappeared from the Internet. They've lost business email accounts – along with unknown numbers of inquiries, sales and repeat business. And they've lost control over their branding and online reputations…
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You can’t have SEO without content (and that means copywriting)

You can’t have SEO without content (and that means copywriting)

Marketing Notes, Marketing Tips, SEO Tips
Last night, at a business event, I learned about a local contractor with a very unique product – one that interested me as a homeowner and as a "handy-guy". So I visited his website today. It offered some information on his product and service, and I noted that the contact information figured prominently on every page. So far, so good. But of course I brought a critical eye to my…
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