How custom WordPress themes serve these Owen Sound/Collingwood area businesses

How custom WordPress themes serve these Owen Sound/Collingwood area businesses

Copywriting Samples, Design Samples, Marketing case studies
WordPress themes (or templates) are a great benefit to web developers. Someone has already taken the time to develop, or incorporate, various styles, effects and layouts for you. The back-end usually lets you tweak colors, position some elements and more. But while you can simply load a WordPress theme, set some settings, and leave it at that — to do it right, you usually need to do a lot more…
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Meaford Big Red Chair Tour wins Ontario economic development marketing award

Meaford Big Red Chair Tour wins Ontario economic development marketing award

Marketing case studies, Marketing News
If you visited anywhere from Leith to Memorial Park in Meaford last summer, you may have noticed one of Meaford's Brobdingnagian Muskoka chairs. Simply put, they're the "best seats in Ontario". Last summer, Meaford set up 10 bright-red Muskoka chairs at attractions and scenic locations across the Municipality. In addition to providing family-size seating and photo-ops,…
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Collingwood-area landscaper generates huge ROI with website content marketing

Collingwood-area landscaper generates huge ROI with website content marketing

Marketing case studies, Marketing News, Marketing Notes, SEO Tips
It was 2013 before Mark Higginson decided to create a website for his successful landscape design and construction business. But within weeks of launching, the website had generated $200,000 in new business for the Meaford-based company – an impressive 4000% ROI. Here's how the right approach to website content marketing can generate high search engine ranking, attract qualified customers, and deliver sales. Mark grew up in the Southern Georgian…
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Meaford International Film Festival kicks off new season with new responsive website design

Meaford International Film Festival kicks off new season with new responsive website design

Marketing case studies, Marketing News, Marketing Notes
Since 2007, Meaford, Ontario has had its own International Film Festival, affectionately known as MIFF, which treats festival goers to "four nights, four films, and four parties" every Labour Day weekend. This year, the festival features works from South Africa, Serbia, France, the U.S. and Italy, as well as homegrown shorts by young Grey-Bruce filmmakers. And as MIFF kicks off its seventh season, the festival has also launched a brand…
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Lora Bay Living – newsletter helps build community and attract buyers

Lora Bay Living – newsletter helps build community and attract buyers

Copywriting Samples, Design Samples, Marketing case studies
Lora Bay has become of the most successful real estate developments in the Southern Georgian Bay area. Located between Meaford and Thornbury on a beautiful sweep of Nottawasaga Bay, the dramatic and scenic terrain of the property made it perfect for the challenging championship golf course co-designed by PGA Tour Professional Tom Lehman and celebrated golf course architect Thomas McBroom. It also made the site perfect for an attractive, upscale…
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